Premium trading strategy with a 90% win rate
Exclusively for Cryptohopper

Strategy's results


We are committed to excellence

Years of trading experience led us to create some of the most robust trading strategies on the market. What's our secret? Testing! and lot's of it. We test each strategy 1000's of times to find the best performing configuration.

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Safe on your exchange

100% customizable

Professional team

Start trading in 60 seconds

Download HIT & RUN strategy and template

Setup instructions

Download HIT & RUN strategy and template from the links above
Press the "actions" button (top-right) and then press "Load template"
Load the template "HIT & RUN"
That's it! Your bot will start trading for you 24/7. It's that easy!

Easiest way to generate profit in the crypto market

That was our motto when we started the Wolf Of Crypto journey. We don't just sell trading strategies, we use them on our own capital too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about HIT & RUN strategy and template
What is the minimum required balance?

You will need $450 USD (or other stablecoin). Less than $450 will generate trades that are below the exchange minimum (Usually $10) . It is also possible to trade with less, please contact us for help adjusting the template for lesser amount.

Which exchanges are supported and which one is the most recommended?
All of Cryptohopper’s supported exchanges will work with this strategy. We created the template based on Binance USDT. That means that if you use another exchange you might have to adjust the base currency to your exchange’s main stable coin.  And then adjust the coins list (contact us if you need help)
What base currencies are supported?
This strategy supports only stable coins as base currency (such as USD, USDT, EUR, GBP, USDC, etc.)
How often do you update your strategy/template and why?

We update the strategy and template roughly 4 times a week to adjust to market conditions and to include better predicting mechanisms.

What happens after the "12 months updates" included in the price ?

Assuming you turned on auto-updates, you will have the latest version. You would no longer have access to the newest updates. In order to regain access to all updates for another 12 months you’ll need to buy the template and strategy again.

Which hopper subscription do I need?

HIT & RUN strategy work well with all Cryptohopper subscriptions. Using this template on an explorer subscription requires removing some of the coins listed in the template (Explorer limit is 15 coins). Another option is to download our dedicated Explorer strategy and template:


Explorer premium strategy

Explorer premium template

We also recommend trading first on paper trading (subscription level doesn’t matter for paper trading).

Do I need both the strategy and template to run this bot?

Yes. You need both HIT & RUN strategy and HIT & RUN template to run this bot successfully. Please follow our setup instructions here

Do I need to change anything in the config?

We test every aspect of the config to generate the best results over the long term. So we don’t recommend changing any of the setting. The only thing we recommend modifying is the base currency and coins traded. If you like a specific coin that is not on the list you can add it.

Should I run this strategy on Paper Trading (simulated money)?

Yes. We recommend testing all Wolf Of Crypto products on paper trading only. This way you get to experience the power of the strategy without risking your money. Read more about paper trading here